This is an anime nerdy manga blog
We all know the anime reviewers tend to cover the same shows, as there is only a limited amount of content to go over in any given season. I wanted to point out some of the best anime reviewers on YouTube today, as of early 2020.
Now to start off the list. No anime fan worth their salt can say they have never heard of “Joey the Anime Man” an absolute legend in the community and has this undeniable quality about him that makes him entertaining. He covers everything from individual anime, series, manga, events and pop culture. I have seen other videos of his that even discuss things like Yaoi and Hentai, something pretty bold if I do say so.
Joey can speak Japanese rather fluently, has done collaborations with Chris Broad from the “Abroad in Japan” channel, Tokyo Creative, which I believe to be a group or content creators who work together to establish a tight knit community in Japan.
You can find his YouTube channel here. I highly recommend you go and check him out if you haven’t already.

Looking deeper at some more anime reviewers going from the popular accounts we land at the YouTuber “Mother’s Basement”, aka Geoff Thew. He also covers gaming content, has a podcast and explore more nerd culture in his second channel called “Basement Pals”.

Now Mother’s Basement is a little bit more comedically charged and relies on pun like humor to get points across. Geoff Thew, professional shitbag (in his own words) is an older anime savant who likes to use video tricks to spice up his reviews and he is a bit more analytical in his approach of reviewing new anime.
Check out his content if you are looking for a cynical anime bro who really knows his stuff when it comes to Otaku culture.
Let’s talk about a newcomer to the scene, launching his channel in November of 2018 and seeing some pretty sizable growth during his time on YouTube, this is partly due to his consistent uploading schedule, editing skills and overall simplicity at which he attacks the media channel.
Scamboli Reviews is another great channel. He actually follows a pattern that I myself would use if I were really into the video review space. He keeps the reviews surface level and talks about comparisons made from the Manga, animation style and other factors.
His voice over keeps it a more quiet viewing and that is what I prefer. Where as Joey and Mother’s Basement might seem kind of out there or over the top, try checking out a few of his reviews and the highlights.

I mean seriously, when his videos since up the music with stock characters movements, I just get adobe envy.
Another giant in this space is Gigguk. Another aussie in the anime community? Sounds like a good time to me.
This is an easy one. Gigguk has been doing this for a long time and his production value is top notch. He currently has over 2 Million subscribers on YouTube and has a fantastic eye for quality anime content.
If you want to find some more under rated or smaller anime reviewers and bloggers you can find a great list of the Top 50 Anime Blogs list on Feedspot, a site which lists out some of the best blogs on the internet.
Table of Contents
Absolute Territory
Talk about a goofy and moe show Where do I even begin with this? A high school girl who jumps into the video gaming world.

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Japanese Food in Anime
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Trends in Anime 2023
Now that seems familiar If you’re an anime fan, you’ll know that each year brings a fresh wave of exciting new shows to the screen.

Bofuri Anime Review
Talk about a goofy and moe show Where do I even begin with this? A high school girl who jumps into the video gaming world.

Best Anime Reviewers on YouTube
This is an blog We all know the anime reviewers tend to cover the same shows, as there is only a limited amount of content